This page lists all the changes made in past revisions of SpeedCommander.
Release notes for
Meaning of symbols
- New/improved
- Updated component
- Change of behavior
- Fixed
Version 21.40.11500 – February 24, 2025
- List view: Keyboard shortcuts for sorting (e.g. name, size, date modified) can now also be used in shell folders
- File operation: Check for reserved device names (CON, AUX, PRN, LPT1, COM1) before creating files and folders
- Pro version: More detailed error message when compilation of a burning project fails
- List view: When the branch view was activated, the context menu was not initialized correctly
- List view: After saving a file in ACDSee, it was removed from the list view and not added again
- Tree view: No automatic update of the tree view after deleting folders via the context menu when the option ‘Always display desktop as top item in tree view’ is disabled
- File operation: The confirmation message when deleting a folder in the tree view did not show the correct number of items to be deleted
- ZIP: Some advanced compression settings could not be disabled for the ZIP format
- ZIP/SQX: Error message when creating an archive (ERROR_BAD_LENGTH) when ‘Preserve security attributes’ is selected and the source directory is on a Fritz!NAS share
- sqc: When creating/extracting 7z archives, the line break was missing in the output of the file names under certain circumstances
- ZIP/SQX: Error messages that occur when reading/writing OLE/NTFS comments are silently ignored
Version 21.30.11400 – November 11, 2024
- Better recognizability of active options in the menus when using the VS2017/2019/2022 styles
- List view: Adjustment to the new display of selected and focused entries since the July 2024 security update of Windows 11 (22631.3880)
- FileSearch: Display of checkboxes and radio buttons in dark mode
- When using the wildcard character *, spaces directly following the * were ignored in the mask
- Pro version: In some cases, downloading from OneDrive was no longer possible (error message ‘Unauthorized’)
- Pro version: In some cases, the upload of larger files to OneDrive got stuck after the first 1 MiB
- File operation: When copying empty MTP folders, the respective target directory was not created
- FTP: A connection to Telekom’s SSH server (hosting. was no longer possible
- UUE: Crash when displaying/extracting UUX archives
- SpeedEdit: After toggling the setting ‘Display the current line framed instead of filling the whole background’, the frame was also drawn when the menu option ‘View – Highlight Current Line’ was deactivated
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.10)
Version 21.20.11300 – August 5, 2024
- List view: Optional quitting of the quick view when double-clicking files (Settings, Advanced – Other)
- Multi-Renaming: Before invoking ‘Multi Rename’, the quick view is stopped to avoid possible file locks
- SpeedEdit: New icon for bookmarks in the margin area
- List view: Displayed information in shell columns was not correct when sorting by this column in the branch view
- File filter: When using question marks in file masks, file names that did not exactly match the filter were also included under certain circumstances
- File operation: In the replace dialog for elements of the shell namespace, the information for the new and old file was mixed up
- SpeedEdit: After changing the encoding, a document change was displayed in the margin area
- SpeedEdit: Findings in collapsed areas were not automatically expanded
- SpeedEdit: The setting for ‘Outline for comments’ was not read/written correctly
- SpeedEdit: After switching ‘View – Highlight current line’ off/on, the current line was highlighted in yellow and not in the specified color
- RAR: Update of Unrar.dll to version 7.1
- FTP: Update of OpenSSL to version 3.0.14
- SpeedEdit: Update of Scintilla to version 5.4.3
Version 21.10.11200 – April 29, 2024
- FTP icon for drive bar and sites updated (Windows 11)
- RAR: Support for extracting RAR7 archives up to a dictionary size of 64 GiB
- RAR: The buffer for SFX archive recognition has been increased to 530 KiB
- FTP: Support for password-protected key files in PKCS#8 format
- FileSync: When synchronizing, the creation timestamp of the source file is applied to the destination file
- Crash when invoking the activation status dialog box if the activation server cannot be reached
- List view: The additional information in the network neighbourhood columns (e.g. workgroup or IP address) was no longer displayed
- Folder window: In restricted navigation with a UNC server as base folder, it was not possible to switch from a UNC share to the UNC server
- FTP: An error message was displayed when using a private key file in OpenSSL format
- FTP: When starting a file operation in the background, the password for the private key was requested again under certain circumstances
- FileSync: If the newer file was highlighted in bold/italics, the text in the Attr column of the older file was also drawn in bold/italics
- FileSearch: The settings for the behaviour of the quick search were not read from the settings file
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.8)
- RAR: Update of Unrar.dll to version 7.0.7
- Pro version: Access to Google Drive/Photos is unfortunately no longer possible due to new certification requirements by Google
Version 21.00.11100 – January 29, 2024
- Quick view: Uncompressed TGA image files were no longer displayed
- FTP: Possible crash when uploading a file larger than 4 GiB via SFTP
Version 21.00.11085 (RC2) – January 8, 2024
- Small adjustment of the colors for the Windows 10/11 design (light/dark)
- In the ‘Office 2010 Silver’ style, the active menu item was not highlighted
- The active folder window was difficult to recognize in the dark ‘Visual Studio 2022’ style
- Scrolling with the mouse wheel may no longer have worked in some windows
- Folder window: ‘Show as top-level entry in tree view’ did not work for UNC folders
- List view: The space between the column border and the column label was a bit too small
- List view: The checkbox in the column header for selecting all files was no longer displayed
- File operation: Remaining time and transfer rate were calculated incorrectly if many files were skipped during a copy operation
Version 21.00.11045 (RC1) – November 27, 2023
- New visual themes for Visual Studio 2017, 2019 and 2022 in light, dark and blue
- New visual theme for Windows 10/11 with automatic or customizable accent color
- New visual theme for Office 2016 with automatic or customizable accent color
- Command line parameter ‘/accentcolor’ to specify an accent color for the ‘Office 2016 (Customized)’ and ‘Windows 10/11 (Light)’ themes
- HiDPI improvements for the symbol editor and optimizations when drawing the symbol
- A pixel grid is now displayed in the symbol editor
- New custom button icons for all icon styles (Office 2010/2013/2019) in multiple resolutions
- Support for Windows regional setting ‘Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support’
- The xmp:CreateDate/xmp:ModifyDate timestamps for PDF files are displayed in the ‘Document – Content created’ (System.Document.DateCreated) and ‘Document – Date last saved’ (System.Document.DateSaved) columns
- Display folder information for folders of the shell namespace
- Optional display of the full version number in the title bar (Settings, Appearance – Details)
- Advanced offline check for network drives by testing for open SMB port
- Folder pane: Items for removable media directly below the desktop are explicitly filtered out in tree and list view
- List view: Better recognizability of current sorting in column header
- List view: Display the full file name (incl. extension) in folders of the Shell namespace
- List view: For items in the shell namespace the file extension can be renamed
- List view: Display of synchronization status for OneDrive folders as overlay
- List view: The background of the tree/list view is darkened slightly when filtering is active
- List view: A user-defined action can be specified for double-clicking with the left/middle/X1/X2 mouse button (Settings, Advanced – Other)
- Quick view: Display folder sizes for folders of the Shell namespace
- Quick view: Folder size calculation status bar to display the current path during the calculation
- Quick view: Show installed Windows preview modules and edit associations (Settings, Advanced – Quick View)
- File operation: Built-in support for file operations in Shell namespace
- File operation: Support for creation of new folders in Shell namespace by pressing F7
- FTP: Support for Putty key files in 3.0 format
- FTP: Support for ED25519 signature algorithm
- FTP: Support for ED25519 private keys
- SFX: Customized dialog texts and the folder/filename parameters are stored as Unicode in the SFX stub
- SFX: Compression of SFX stubs for x32/x64 is done with UPX 4.1
- SFX: Support for Windows regional setting ‘Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support’
- SFX: UTF-8 conversion of the included language files for SFX stubs
- Macros: New property for the Application object to query the XML settings file (Application.XMLSettings)
- Macros: File operations (copy/move/delete) with items of the Shell namespace
- FileSync: File attributes can be selected as additional comparison criterion
- FileSearch: ‘Search empty folders’ renamed to ‘Search empty folders only’ for better clarity
- SpeedEdit: Display of document changes in the margin area
- SCBackupRestore: For unknown backup events the source path is displayed if no comment is present
- SCBackupRestore: Higher speed when reading the backup events
- SCBackupRestore: Support for Windows regional setting ‘Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support’
- FTP: Update of OpenSSL to version 3.0.11
- RAR: Update of Unrar.dll to version 6.2.10
- SpeedEdit: Update of Scintilla to version 5.3.7
- SpeedCommander 21 requires Windows 10 or higher
- Only SHA-2 is now used for code signing of program files
- Update of the license terms
Version 20.55.11500 – February 24, 2025
- List view: When the branch view was activated, the context menu was not initialized correctly
- Tree view: No automatic update of the tree view after deleting folders via the context menu when the option ‘Always display desktop as top item in tree view’ is disabled
Version 20.54.11400 – November 11, 2024
- Pro version: In some cases the download from OneDrive was no longer possible (error message ‘Unauthorized’)
- Pro version: In some cases the upload of larger files to OneDrive got stuck after the first 1 MiB
- FTP: No connection could be established to the Telekom SSH server (
- UUE: Crash when displaying/unpacking UUX archives
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.10)
Version 20.53.11300 – August 5, 2024
- List view: Displayed information in shell columns was not correct when sorting by this column in the branch view
- SpeedEdit: Findings in collapsed areas were not automatically expanded
- SpeedEdit: The setting for ‘Outline for comments’ was not read/written correctly
- SpeedEdit: After switching ‘View – Highlight current line’ off/on, the current line was highlighted in yellow and not in the specified color
Version 20.52.11200 – April 29, 2024
- Folder window: In restricted navigation with a UNC server as base folder, it was not possible to switch from a UNC share to the UNC server
- FTP: When starting a file operation in the background, the password for the private key was requested again under certain circumstances
- FileSearch: The settings for the behaviour of the quick search were not read from the settings file
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.8)
- Pro version: Access to Google Drive/Photos is unfortunately no longer possible due to new certification requirements by Google
Version 20.51.11100 – January 29, 2024
- In the ‘Office 2010 Silver’ style, the active menu item was not highlighted
- Folder window: ‘Show as top-level entry in tree view’ did not work for UNC folders
- Quick view: Uncompressed TGA image files were no longer displayed
- File operation: Remaining time and transfer rate were calculated incorrectly if many files were skipped during a copy operation
- FTP: Possible crash when uploading a file larger than 4 GiB via SFTP
Version 20.50.11000 – October 16, 2023
- List view: Faster display of the context menu by not using full archive detection for SC’s own context menu
- 7z: Increased SFX archive detection buffer from 192 KiB to 256 KiB to detect larger SFX stubs
- Folder window: After invoking the context menu for a OneDrive folder, duplicate items were listed in the Desktop folder under certain circumstances
- List view: Vertical separator lines were not drawn properly when list view is scrolled horizontally
- Quick view: Crash when displaying .lib/.obj files
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.6)
- Quick View: Update of DynaPDF.dll to version
- 7z: Update of 7z.dll to version 23.01
Version 20.40.10900 – July 3, 2023
- FileSearch: Window for displaying search results when using a dark theme
- 7z: If an already existing file is skipped in the ‘Replace file’ dialog when extracting, not all selected files are extracted
- CAB: When compressing, file names with umlauts were not saved correctly in the archive directory
- SCBackupRestore: Possible stack overflow under certain circumstances
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2022 (17.4)
- Quick view: Update of DynaPDF to version
Version 20.30.10800 – March 13, 2023
- Pro version: Sectors are displayed right-aligned and with thousands separator in the ‘Create Disk Image’ dialog
- List view: Special ReparsePoint file attributes for OneDrive directories are ignored when calculating folder sizes
- Folder pane: Special ReparsePoint file attributes for OneDrive directories are ignored when displaying folder information
- File operation: Special ReparsePoint file attributes for OneDrive directories are ignored during file operations
- FileSearch: Special ReparsePoint file attributes for OneDrive directories are ignored during searches
- SpeedEdit: Increase of maximum tab width for better display of longer file names
- fsc: New command line parameter /xj for skipping junctions
- sqc: Support for LZMA2 method (7z) via command switch -SZM2
- The setting options for [FilePreviewWnd] – EnablePreview were limited to Yes/No
- List view: The limit for folder sizes was not calculated correctly when entering a value larger than 4000 MiB
- List view: When displaying maximum limited folder sizes, the correct unit was not used under certain circumstances
- Folder window: The digits for the access of the tabs were not displayed correctly if the UTF8 code page is activated as default in the Windows regional settings
- Pro version: Possible crash when switching to
and in OneDrive Business - 7z: The value for the remaining time during extracting was calculated incorrectly
- SFX: Environment variables in the path to the icon file were not expanded
- FileSearch: When searching for Unicode text, occurrences were also found that included only half of the search text
- FileSync: The direction arrow was missing from the ‘right to left sync’ icon (Dark Office 2019 style, 16×16)
- FileSync: When the profile setting ‘Follow junctions’ was disabled, empty folders were created in the target directory for untracked junctions
- sqc: The environment variables used in the parameter ‘SFX-E’ in script files were already expanded when creating the SFX and not only when invoking it
- sqc: The file names of source files that were not found were not written to the log file
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
Version 20.20.10700 – December 12, 2022
- Folder pane: For path names copied to the address bar in quotes, the quotes are removed before the folder is changed
- The UAC query was not automatically focused when displaying if the secure desktop is deactivated for User Account Control
- The items in the history and auto-complete windows were no longer darkened in dark mode
- List view: Thumbnails were not displayed in OneDrive when ‘Files on demand’ is deactivated
- List view: The checkboxes for selection were not drawn when file icons display is deactivated
- List view: The checkboxes for selection were displayed incorrectly in the details view when the view is shifted horizontally
- Archives: In a compression profile, the user-defined multivolume size was not saved
- SpeedEdit: When saving a file, elevated permissions were requested if the parent directory of the file to be saved is UAC-protected
Version 20.10.10600 – September 12, 2022
- List view: Thumbnails for small image files are displayed enlarged for better visibility
- List view: New options for setting the maximum size/scaling of thumbnails (Advanced – Tweaks – [Thumbnails])
- List view: ReparsePoint file attributes in OneDrive directories are ignored so that the files and folders are not displayed as junctions
- Quick view: Respect EXIF alignment when displaying photos
- The x64/ARM64 platform addition in the ‘About’ dialog was not displayed for some DPI scalings
- When invoking a folder favorite, the error message “The path is not available.” may have displayed an incorrect path name
- Pro version: File size was not displayed correctly for WebDAV entries > 2 GiB
- Pro version: Files deleted to the trash were still displayed in their respective folder (Google Drive)
- List view: After changing the size for the thumbnail view, some entries did not show any icons anymore
- List view: The selection marker was lost after displaying a UAC dialog under certain circumstances
- File operation: The indication for the remaining time jumped to ‘Unknown’ after some time when copying/moving very large amounts of data
- Folder window: The edit field for renaming a tab could not be closed with
if the name was not changed - Archiver: When double-clicking on a BluRay image file, an error message ‘Invalid TAR archive’ was displayed
- SpeedEdit: The UAC prompt when saving a file was displayed twice if ‘Cancel’ was clicked on the first time
Version 20.00.10500 – June 7, 2022
- New option for the number of decimal places when displaying the file size in KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB/PiB (Advanced – Special)
- List view: The mapping of the icons for the alignment of the columns (Left, Right, Centered) for the Office 2019 style was wrong
- List view: The group headings were partially displayed incorrectly
Version 20.00.10485 (RC2) – May 16, 2022
- When entering the activation code character by character, the ‘0’ was not accepted
- No access to WSL/RaiDrive/Tresorit network directories as well as to not yet reconnected network drives when offline check for network drives was enabled
- When screen reader menus were enabled, the main menu was not visible when the frame window was displayed in design style
- In the update dialog, the web page with the new features/fixes was not displayed
- List view: Missing thousands separator when displaying file sizes in KiB/MiB/GiB/PiB
Version 20.00.10465 (RC1) – April 25, 2022
- New Office 2019 style icons for menus and toolbars
- New menu and toolbar icons for dark color schemes (Office 2019 style)
- New color variants Purple, Sky Blue and Teal for Office 2016 style
- Rounded corners for menus and frame windows in design style under Windows 11
- Native ARM64 version for Windows systems with ARM64 processor
- The menu font size can be customized (Customize dialog: Advanced)
- Offline check for network drives
- Logging function for information and debugging purposes
- When the network neighbourhood is displayed, a network query is initiated
- Integration of Microsoft Edge via the WebView2 interface
- Additional options for the folder argument in the application favorites (Inactive/Active/Left/Right)
- When creating a new color scheme, the base scheme is saved as well, so that a color element can be reset to the base standard
- When moving the dockable additional windows, the window content is shown
- Pro version: The content of a folder is reloaded from the server if the Shift key is pressed additionally when invoking the ‘View – Refresh’ menu command
- Pro version: Cloud file operations can be performed in the background
- Pro version: Shared files in OneDrive are listed in the
folder - Folder window: Improved accessibility for the folder switching pane
- Folder window: Additional units for the size values in the Status bar (xxm, xxg, xxt, xxp)
- List view: Optional display of horizontal and/or vertical grid lines in the Details view
- List view: The color of the grid lines in the Details view can be customized (Settings dialog ‘Appearance – Colors’)
- List view: Improved readability for group titles on dark backgrounds
- List view: Improved display of alternating items when group view is activated
- List view: The size of the thumbnails can be changed with Ctrl+mouse wheel or with Ctrl+Shift+Plus/Minus
- List view: The order of the list items (folders/files) can be customized (settings dialog ‘Advanced – Other’)
- List view: The menu commands for the list view (view modes/sorting/grouping) can also be invoked when the tree view is focused
- List view: User folders in ‘This PC’ can be hidden (Appearance – Files & Folders)
- List view: The OneDrive status in the ‘Status’ column is displayed as an icon
- List view: Size values in Details view can be displayed in MiB, GiB, TiB or PiB (Settings dialog: Appearance – Files & Folders)
- List view: The selected items in dark mode can be displayed with either a blue or a gray background (settings dialog ‘Advanced – Tweaks’ – DarkModeSelection)
- Tree view: Folders in the AddIn tree view can be renamed (e.g. cloud folder)
- Quick view: Support for ARM64EC/ARM64X program files
- Quick view: Filtering of single lines according to a search text for text files (Ctrl+Shift+F)
- File operation: Paste files from the clipboard into AddIn directories (e.g. cloud folders)
- Drag&Drop: Support for drag&drop operations from external applications into AddIn directories (e.g. cloud folders)
- Archiver: Displaying and extracting of XZ archives
- Archiver: Displaying and extracting of WIM files
- Archiver: Displaying and extracting of ISO files in Standard version
- Archiver: Extracting ISO files via the menu command ‘File – Extract’
- Macros: Method to scroll the list view to the focused item (FolderWindow.EnsureItemVisible)
- Macros: Method to focus an item by file name (FolderWindow.SetFocusTo)
- AddIn: New constants for FileOpStatusInfo (scFileOpActionNone/scFileOpActionListForceRefresh) when listing folders
- SpeedEdit: Translucent rendering of the selected text
- SpeedEdit: Optional automatic scrolling to the last line after reloading a file (Settings dialog: General)
- SpeedEdit: Monitoring for log files (View – Monitoring for log files)
- SpeedEdit: Filtering of single lines according to a search text (Edit – Filter)
- SpeedEdit: Using the RegEx ruleset set in the SpeedCommander settings
- SpeedEdit: Saving the last screen position for the find/replace dialogs
- SpeedEdit/SpeedView: The MDI windows can be arranged in several workspaces
- SpeedEdit/SpeedView: MDI windows can be detached from the main window
- SpeedEdit/SpeedView: Easier switching between the MDI windows when using Ctrl+Tab
- SpeedEdit/SpeedView: A double click in the window dialog on a selected item activates the window and closes the window dialog
- SpeedView: Filtering of single lines according to a search text for text files (Ctrl+Shift+F)
- Update of Xtreme Toolkit to version 20.3
- 7z: Update of the 7z.dll to version 21.07
- FTP: Update of OpenSSL to version 1.1.1m
- Quick View: Update of DynaPDF to version
- SpeedEdit: Update of Scintilla to version 5.1.5
Version 19.63.10700 – December 12, 2022
- The UAC query was not automatically focused when displaying if the secure desktop is deactivated for User Account Control
- Archives: In a compression profile, the user-defined multivolume size was not saved
Version 19.62.10600 – September 12, 2022
- When invoking a folder favorite, an incorrect path name was displayed in the error message “The path is not available.” under certain circumstances
- Pro version: The file size was not displayed correctly for WebDAV entries > 2 GiB
- Pro version: Files deleted to the recycle bin were still displayed in their respective folder (Google Drive)
- Folder window: The edit field for renaming a tab could not be closed with
if the name was not changed - File operation: The remaining time information switched to ‘Unknown’ after some time when copying/moving very large amounts of data
Version 19.61.10500 – June 7, 2022
- The keyboard shortcut for numeric-* was not displayed correctly when using the German keyboard layout
- File filter: The filter condition for the frame rate of videos did not work correctly
- List view: After changing the DPI resolution the column widths were sometimes not adjusted correctly
- List view: After renaming an item, it was sometimes not sorted into the correct group
- Quick view: The certificate information for signed PE files was not displayed correctly
- Archives: Error message when unpacking archives into directories with > 260 characters if the zone ID is to be set during unpacking
- CAB: The content of self-extracting CAB files was no longer displayed
- SCBackupRestore: No backups were displayed under ‘Restore’ after backup to the Documents directory
Version 19.60.10400 – February 21, 2022
- Improved detection of the Windows UI language in the setup program
- The web pages invoked via ‘Help – SpeedCommander on the web’ are displayed in the corresponding UI language of the user (German/English)
- Pro version: Update of the WebDAV address for the new Magenta Cloud
- RAR: Improved detection of very large RAR SFXes
- Windows restart/shutdown was prevented under certain circumstances (Windows 7, 32-bit)
- On installation, the AppPaths entry in the registry was not created correctly
- Pro version: After completing a burn, the dialog for continuing the project was sometimes no longer displayed
- Pro version: No progress bar was displayed when uploading files larger than 1 MiB to OneDrive
- Refresh: When deleting folders from virtual document directories below ‘This PC’ (e.g. ‘This PC\Pictures’), the tree view was not updated correctly
- FileSearch: The include text was ignored when searching for folders if a filter was also selected
- FileSearch: Ctrl+A did not work in the edit fields
- SpeedEdit: When Document Tabs were disabled, the MDI client area was not redrawn when closing the last file
- Update of CRT/MFC/Compiler to Visual Studio 2019 (16.7)
Version 19.50.10300 – November 1, 2021
- Support for Windows 11
- Pro version: Logging in to cloud services was partially no longer possible under Windows 7
- Pro version: Logging in to OneDrive Business no longer worked because Microsoft disabled the Azure 1.0 login endpoints
- List view: Italic and bold file/folder names were not displayed correctly in some cases
- List view: Checkboxes for selection were not scaled correctly in some cases
- List view: When creating a folder via the context menu ‘New’ the new folder is not set to edit mode (Windows 11)
- List view: The online status for OneDrive items was not always displayed correctly
Version 19.40.10200 – August 2, 2021
- SpeedCommander can be launched with Win+E (settings dialog ‘Advanced – File Associations)
- Pro version: SSL certificate verification can be disabled for generic WebDAV connections
- RAR: When unpacking encrypted RAR5 archives, the password is only prompted once
- Quick View: Support for .obj files in ARM64EC format
- The serial number in the Drive Status window was displayed without leading zeros
- 7z: When extracting was aborted, the partially extracted file was not deleted automatically
- Pro version: Logon was not possible for WebDAV servers with digest authentication
- Pro version: File names containing an opening round bracket and smaller than 1 MiB could not be uploaded to OneDrive
- FileSync: The information about the selected items in the status bar was not always displayed completely under certain circumstances
- fsc: When using a log file, the file names were not properly output
- SCBackupRestore: Stack overflow if no base folder was set before backup
Version 19.30.10100 – April 26, 2021
- Pro version: Cloud library transitioned from C# to C++
- Pro version: Access to cloud storages for ARM64 preview version
- When customizing icons in the toolbar the command ‘Copy button icon’ was without function
- When trying to activate SpeedCommander with restricted rights, an error message was displayed under some circumstances
- The environment variable ‘ProgramW6432’ was lost when refreshing the environment variables
- Folder window: The input field for the integrated browser was displayed bright in dark mode
- Tree view: After moving directories in the tree view, it was sometimes not updated
- Drag & Drop: It was not possible to drag and drop files to the top level of a network share (Windows 10)
- Macros: No error message was displayed for faulty macros when the Microsoft Remote Debugger is installed
- FTP: When downloading from SFTP servers with automatic conversion of end-of-line characters, the content was sometimes corrupted
- FTP: The upload and download speed was partially limited
- FileSync: Superfluous disk space warning when synchronizing from CD/DVD
- SpeedEdit: ANSI files with Cyrillic characters were not displayed correctly
- SCBackupRestore: The backup could not be created if the backup folder is located on the desktop
- Update of UCRT to version 10.0.19041 (2004)
- Pro version: Cloud support for HiDrive has been discontinued, access to HiDrive is still possible via FTP
Version 19.20.10000 – January 18, 2021
- SCBackupRestore: Alternative initialization if essential environment information cannot be determined from SpeedCommander
- SCBackupRestore: Log file creation on the desktop when holding the Ctrl key while starting SCBackupRestore
- Icons in menus and toolbars were sometimes scaled incorrectly on high resolution displays
- Command line parameter /autoactivate did not work anymore
- Folder window: free space in the status bar was not updated after unpacking archives
- Pro version: Logging in to Dropbox was no longer possible because Dropbox no longer supports Internet Explorer 11
- Quick View: Partially broken display of certain PNG image files
- Archives: Possible crash on exit if a file opened from an archive is still open in another program
- Multi-renaming: Files were not renamed correctly if less than 250 ms elapsed between last input and the start of the rename operation
- SpeedEdit: Error message when calling ‘File – Reload’ if the file is exclusively opened in another application
- FileSearch: Result window grows with each start if a themed frame window is enabled
- FileSearch: Input field for text search was not focused when Advanced page was activated
- FileSearch: Additional conditions with time information were not evaluated correctly
Version 19.10.9900 – October 5, 2020
- Preview version for ARM64 systems (e.g. Surface Pro X, Galaxy Book S)
- Pro version: Reading in of large folders in Google Photos can be canceled by pressing Escape
- Pro version: Additional logon option “OneDrive (Legacy)” for OneDrive if the computer is connected to a work or school account
- FTP: IPv6 support can be deactivated in the advanced properties of an FTP site
- SCBackupRestore: Alternate line color for the list of backup events
- Toolbars cannot be toggled by menu if screen reader compatible menus are activated
- Possible delay at startup if mounted network drives are not available
- File operations: SpeedCommander may have stopped responding if many small file operations were started in quick succession
- FTP: Possible crash when canceling an upload/download
- 7z: Archives larger than 2 GiB could not be opened
- GZIP: Archive entry was not displayed if the flag for the original file name is set but the original file name is not included
- FileSync: Folder names with an underscore were sorted after the other folder names (instead of before them)
Version 19.00.9800 – July 6, 2020
- Dark window elements and dark system menus in the main windows when a black 2007/2010/2016 Office design or a dark VS2012/2015 design is used (Windows 10-1809 and later)
- Built-in template for a bright color scheme (Settings dialog, Appearance – Colors)
- Built-in template for a dark color scheme (Settings dialog, Appearance – Colors)
- Day/night mode for switching between light and dark designs/color schemes
- Automatic switching between day and night mode after preset time or after sunrise/sunset (Settings dialog, Advanced – Miscellaneous)
- Automatic search for updates
- Simplified software update by downloading the installation archive and starting the update process directly from SpeedCommander
- Folder views for FTP, AddIns, burning projects and file containers
- Deleting multiple layouts at once by multiple selection in the Delete Layout dialog
- Command line parameter /colorscheme to specify a specific color scheme at startup
- Additional option for the PowerShell Core command interpreter (Settings dialog, Advanced – Tweaks)
- Separately configurable command interpreters for integrated command output window and external command prompt (Settings dialog, Advanced – Tweaks)
- User tools can be launched with reduced privileges when SpeedCommander is executed with elevated privileges
- Programs launched in the command prompt and in the run dialog can be started with reduced privileges while holding down the Windows key, if SpeedCommander is executed with elevated privileges
- Optional filtering of all commands without keyboard shortcuts in the keyboard layout dialog
- Select/deselect all items in the list view of the keyboard mapping dialog with Ctrl+A/S
- English help file
- Pro version: Support for Google Photos
- Pro version: Support for OneDrive Business
- Macros: New properties for MainWindow object to query and set the design and color scheme
- Archive: Unpacking .gz archives with multiple chunks
- Multi-rename: Placeholder [r,x] for the generation of random numbers, where x stands for the number of digits
- Multi-rename: Deleting multiple profiles at once by multiple selection in the Delete Profile dialog
- FTP: Support for IPv6
- FTP: Support for TLS v1.3
- FTP: Support of client certificates for FTP/SSL
- FTP: Protocol and ciphers used for FTP/SSL and SSH are shown in the status window
- FTP: Internal certificate store can be reseted (Settings dialog, Advanced – FTP Client)
- FTP: Optional use of the server’s IP address for PASV connections if the FTP server is incorrectly configured (FTP Site properties)
- FTP: Overall progress of file download
- FTP: Support of OTP MD4/MD5/SHA/RMD160 for FTP/SSL
- FileSearch: Deleting multiple profiles at once by multiple selection in the Delete Profile dialog
- FileSync: Separate color settings for light and black/dark designs
- FileSync: Profile option for ‘Follow junctions’
- FileSync: Folder names in the list view are displayed relative to the base directory
- FileSync: Deleting multiple profiles at once by multiple selection in the Delete Profile dialog
- FileSync: Profile setting “Add left path components to right path” for using a main backup folder for different drives
- FileSync: Profile setting “Compare after sync” allows overwriting the global setting for individual profiles
- FileSync: Comparison can be started automatically after the program start or after selecting a profile
- SpeedEdit: Separate color settings for light and black/dark designs
- SpeedEdit: Separate color settings for caret line/framed caret line
- SpeedEdit: New syntax highlighting definitions for Swift, AutoIt, registration files, ASN.1, JSON, YAML, Inno Setup and NSIS
- SpeedEdit: Improved syntax highlighting definitions for Assembler, CSS, C++, C#, IDL, Java, Pascal, VB, HTML, PHP, Perl, Bash, Batch, SQL, Python and Powershell
- fsc: Environment variables can be used for parameters in script files
- fsc: Command switch /apc adds the path components of the source folder to the target path
- sqc: Environment variables can be used for parameters in script files
- SCBackupRestore: Dark window elements when a black 2007/2010/2016 Office design or a dark VS2012/2015 design is used (Windows 10-1809 or later)
- SCBackupRestore: Optimized scanning of backup points
- SCBackupRestore: When restoring backup points, the original SpeedCommander version is taken into account (if available)
- SCBackupRestore: Deleting multiple backup points at once by multiple selection
- Update to Xtreme Toolkit 19.1
- FTP: Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1g
- SpeedEdit: Update to Scintilla 4.3.0
- License agreement: Single user license activation on up to five computers for private use only